Shinnyodo Temple, Kyoto

Founded in 984 by the priest Kaisan, Shinnyodo is located just north of Kyoto on Mount Yoshida. The temple garden incorporates a view of the Eastern Hills, a landscaping technique known as shakkei (borrowed scenery).

Shinnyodo Temple Pagoda Lanterns

Shinnyodo Temple Pagoda.

Shinnyodo Temple Garden: borrowed scenery (shakkei)

Shinnyodo temple garden with a "borrowed scenery" (shakkei) view of Kyoto's Eastern Hills.

Shinnyodo Temple Pagoda

Shinnyodo temple pagoda in early Autumn.

Shinnyodo Temple Parinirvana (Nehan) Painting

Painting of Shakyamuni's parinirvana.

Shinnyodo Temple Butsu

Stone images at Shinnyodo temple.

Shinnyodo Temple Statue

Shinnyodo Temple statue.

Shinnyodo Temple Pond

Shinnyodo Temple pond.