Muro-ji Temple, Nara

Muro-ji temple was founded in the 9th century and was for a long time associated with Nara's Kofuku-ji before becoming a Shingon Temple. It has a number of priceless images from the early Heian period.

Muroji Temple Mirokudo

Muroji Temple's Miroku Hall houses images of Miroku Bosatsu and Shaka Nyorai.

Muroji Temple Pagoda

Five-tier pagoda of Muroji Temple.

Muroji Temple Hondo

Muroji Temple's main hall.

Muroji Temple Buddhas

Buddha images in the main hall at Muroji.

Muroji Temple Niomon

Muroji Temple's Niomon.

Muroji Temple Pond

Pond behind the gate at Muroji Temple.

Muroji Temple Kondo Steps

Steps leading to the main hall at Muroji Temple.

Muroji Temple Okunoin Temple Bridge

A bridge marks the start of 400 steps leading to Muroji Temple's Okunoin.

Muroji Temple Okunoin Temple Steps

Steep steps lead up to Muroji Temple's Okunoin.

Muroji Temple Okunoin Temple

Kobo Daishi is enshrined at Muroji Temple's Okunoin (inner sanctuary).